Like Attracts Like
So If You Are Walking Thru A Big Pile Of Cosmic Dung
Do Not Blame The Holy Cow
In our lives there are many doorways of change we would like to enter, but like the old hermit in his cave we await the sign from above to move into that place of destined change. At what point does the external sign shift the outcome? Why do we wait for external sources to command our attention and only then make our move toward destined change?
Can we become the sign we so desperately seek? As humans we seem to need confirmation from on high that our choices are politically correct, we need an cosmic OK to move ahead. As humans we are so connected on a cellular level that we sometimes need to group with another to open the portal of possibility. Our energies emulsify with one another in agreement or disagreement to either open a portal or close a possibility.
When two or more are gathered in energy and heart the universe will unfold exposing soft skin and lift them to a place of miracles. This is a time of whipping up some home made miracles for each other with home baked intention as the main ingredient. Softly helping others kneed their desired outcome.
This is a time of deep reflection into a pool of possibility. Each situation in your daily life will touch you deeper and deeper. You can verbally discount the sadness of another but we all know that the energy of 'one for all and all for one' is not just for three musketeers. We as a planet and a collective unit of light are energetically 'our brother's keeper' whether we want to be or not. As a species created in the image of God we are vibrationally and biologically connected for it can be no other way.
As the light energy steadily increases in pressure and position we will find many who cannot adjust to this change that is driven by human needs and wants. Emotions will float to the surface like old treasures that were once hidden. Playing into another's dialogue will only clip your wings of light. Wishing a disagreeable person the very best will unplug you from their grid of negativity. Like attracts like, so if you are walking thru a big pile of cosmic dung do not blame the holy cow.
Do Not Blame The Holy Cow
In our lives there are many doorways of change we would like to enter, but like the old hermit in his cave we await the sign from above to move into that place of destined change. At what point does the external sign shift the outcome? Why do we wait for external sources to command our attention and only then make our move toward destined change?
Can we become the sign we so desperately seek? As humans we seem to need confirmation from on high that our choices are politically correct, we need an cosmic OK to move ahead. As humans we are so connected on a cellular level that we sometimes need to group with another to open the portal of possibility. Our energies emulsify with one another in agreement or disagreement to either open a portal or close a possibility.
When two or more are gathered in energy and heart the universe will unfold exposing soft skin and lift them to a place of miracles. This is a time of whipping up some home made miracles for each other with home baked intention as the main ingredient. Softly helping others kneed their desired outcome.
This is a time of deep reflection into a pool of possibility. Each situation in your daily life will touch you deeper and deeper. You can verbally discount the sadness of another but we all know that the energy of 'one for all and all for one' is not just for three musketeers. We as a planet and a collective unit of light are energetically 'our brother's keeper' whether we want to be or not. As a species created in the image of God we are vibrationally and biologically connected for it can be no other way.
As the light energy steadily increases in pressure and position we will find many who cannot adjust to this change that is driven by human needs and wants. Emotions will float to the surface like old treasures that were once hidden. Playing into another's dialogue will only clip your wings of light. Wishing a disagreeable person the very best will unplug you from their grid of negativity. Like attracts like, so if you are walking thru a big pile of cosmic dung do not blame the holy cow.
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